Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy 50th Anniversary, Equal Pay Act!

Today is the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act. So, of course, as per usual, the major media/entertainment outlets are pummeling us with women and their vagina monologues about equality. Well ladies, once again, you've inspired a REAL MAN to share his thoughts. Here goes:

Women are currently outnumbering men by 40% in graduating from college. 1 in 4 women earns more than her husband does. We have women CEOs, business owners, political officials, judges, we've had two in a row as Secretary of State, and we could have a woman president in 2016. That's progress. You should be proud.

However, when you start the day today by complaining that you only earn $0.77 for ever $1.00 I do, when theoretically doing the same exact job I do, that's where the buck stops (so to speak). In the same breath you ask for an additional day off per month to deal with menstruating, and you also expect in the next breath to have your job waiting patiently for you after you take a year off for maternity leave. THAT, girls, is not equality, that's special privileges and special treatment. When you ask for these things, you are PROVING to men that you are not willing to work as hard as we are for the same money, so if you're getting less, it's because you deserve it.

It's no different than expecting to be wined and dined and put on a pedestal just for the privilege of entering into your vagina. You can't have it all, girls. You've already got all the progress I mentioned before, you can have a brilliant career with the high-profile position of influence and good pay, the corner office, etc...but as soon as you leave work, you need to be “taken care of” by men. Again, that's unfair, and it does not promote the equality you are squawking about so much today.

Some of us are real men. We are not the Gyno-Crats you have elected to office, or the suitor who is afraid he won't get to have sex with you, with one hand on his dick and the other on his wallet, we are not the pussy hipsters who will subsidize your $30,000 IVF treatment with our tax dollars. We are REAL MEN, and real men treat women like equals and PEERS when you deserve it, when you earn it, and when we get treated with the proper reciprocity. This goes for both professional and personal circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt,
    I saw you in the ABG show here in Chicago recently and thought you guys were incredible. As I normally do with performers I like, I googled you guys to see what other things you've been in, etc. Also hoping to maybe see you guys again here in Chicago sometime. Unfortunately, this blog post came up. :( Honestly, when I read this post I was very disappointed. You seemed so cool on stage and with the crowd. It really makes you sound anti-female. Sorry but just being honest. Thought you'd want to know. I'm a writer (who performs live in Chicago) and I also own a marketing company. So I deal with people alot. And I know if I wrote something that came across in a negative way, viewable by the public, I would want to know. I would have contacted you directly but wasn't sure how to so that's why I'm posting here (sorry). Anyway, as a woman, I'm hoping you just had a bad day and were dealing with one terrible woman who set you off. I personally have never taken a day off for 'female' reasons nor have any other professional women I know. I too believe that men and women should be treated as equals. And women shouldn't expect men to 'take care of them' (or vice versa). But again, the tone of this comes across really scathing towards women. Just thought you would want to know. Best, JE
